May 15, 2021


The collapse of the bridge that linked Homa Bay and Migori counties will bring major disruption to local traders

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Homa Bay: Riat Bridge Collapse

Homa Bay: Riat Bridge Collapse

The Riat bridge that crossed the River Kuja and provided the main link between Oria market, Migori County and Homa Bay, collapsed in the early hours of Wednesday morning as a heavily laden lorry transporting sugar cane was crossing.

The collapse of the bridge that linked Homa Bay and Migori counties will bring major disruption to local traders from Ndhiwa, Nyatike and the wider Uriri constituency.

Although the lorry belonging to Sukari Industries plunged into the river the driver escaped with minor injuries.

According to media reports Sukari Industries have stated that their drivers were prohibited from using the Ruit bridge route and the company has launched an inquiry as to why the driver disobeyed that directive.

The Riat bridge was built by the British Army 41 years ago but Milton Orwe representing the Ndhiwa Bunge La Wenyenchi told the media that they petitioned the Kenya Rural Roads Authority to repair the bridge but to no avail.


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