March 18, 2020


The All Saints’ Cathedral in Nairobi and Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) have suspended Sunday services until further notice in a bid to curb spread of the new coronavirus.

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Cancel Worship Services Until Further Notice

Cancel Worship Services Until Further Notice

The global spread of COVID-19 has disrupted our day to day activities both  socially and economically.

Major global events and conferences have been cancelled and countries are also blocking entry to citizens of countries affected by Corona virus and now more than ever, employers are encouraging their staff to work from home to prevent spreading the virus.

People are also being encouraged to keep “social distancing” and to wash and sanitize their hands regularly.

In Kenya, President Uhuru Kenyatta on Sunday announced various drastic measures the country was taking to control the spread of COVID-19.

Key among these is the closure of all learning institutions in the country, denied entry of nationals from affected countries in Kenya, etc.

Churches and mosques in the country have not officially been blocked from convening but have been urged to provide hand sanitizers and water and soap for their worshippers but concerned citizens have been putting pressure on the government to ban all church gatherings.

PCEA, All Saints Cathedral Suspend Church Services Suspend Services

The All Saints’ Cathedral in Nairobi and Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) have suspended Sunday services until further notice in a bid to curb spread of the new coronavirus.

PCEA has suspended all meetings, including Sunday worship services and gatherings, for the next 21 days but the church said it will remain open for private individual prayers and also use digital platforms to provide spiritual nourishment to it’s congregants.

Kenyans on Twitter (KOT) are now calling on all churches and mosques to follow suit and suspend their worship services.

24-Hour Coronavirus Hotline

If you’re in Kenya, the  Ministry of Health has set up emergency teams available on a 24-hour coronavirus hotlines  0729 471414 and 0732 353535.

Members of the public can also receive information on the virus by dialing *719# on their Safaricom lines.

The Aga Khan Hospital has also set up a 24-hour coronavirus hotline at +254 709 931 700.


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